What In the World Is Going On With Sheila and Sugar?

Bold & Beautiful stories commonly require suspension of disbelief to a certain extent, but this Sheila/Sugar stuff is a real s-t-r-e-t-c-h and a half! Follow along as we don our detective hats and poke holes in a story that’s already full of them!

Things got weird fast after Steffy stabbed ‘Sheila’ in the cliff house, what with the police leaving Steffy and her loved ones to pace and wring their hands smack dab in the middle of a potential murder scene. Then, following Finn’s rather macabre moment covering his hand with his “birth mother’s” blood, a clean up was finally done and the story, strangely, came to a rolling stop. Steffy turned her attention to Thomas’ love life and Finn’s nightmares/daymares disappeared.

It wasn’t until Deacon decided to hold a memorial for his dearly departed and saw “ten toes” at the crematorium that we really began to take a closer look at the situation in the cliff house. One would think that Deacon finding out about Sugar’s existence would have answered our questions, but instead, it only brought up more.

If it was Sugar who went to Steffy’s home that night, and not Deacon’s lady love, why was it then, that we heard Sheila’s voice declaring, “Tonight you die, Steffy” as she lurked in the bushes outside?

sugar had plastic surgery to look identical to sugar but did she have a voice box to sound like her? #boldandbeautiful

— Anastasia Steele #KillyStrong #KillySquad (@Anna_StasiaST) April 25, 2024

The next one is a biggie. The working premise is that Sugar must have gone to the cliff house intending to set up Sheila for murder, so why then, wasn’t she carrying a weapon?! We suppose she could have been intending to choke her to death, which would explain the lunging, but it seems unnecessarily, erm, hands-on, and depends heavily on her ability to overpower a younger woman who clearly works out on a regular basis. Messy plotting at best.

Further, if she was framing Sheila, why didn’t she drive her car there? Did Sugar take an Uber up to Malibu in that get-up?!

That “she didn’t drive” comment has me thinking. Wouldn’t Sheila’s car been at or near the Cliff House, even if Sugar was driving it?#BoldAndBeautiful

— thesoapgoddess (@thesoapgoddess) April 26, 2024

It’s also curious that Sugar would incapacitate Sheila or lock her up if she intended to frame her. If Sheila’s caged, seriously injured, or even dead, then it would be obvious she didn’t commit the crime. One would think Sugar would only incapacitate her long enough that she wouldn’t have an alibi for the time of the murder. But Sheila hasn’t been seen or heard from since. Did something in Sugar’s plan go awry?

Deacon’s discovery at the crematorium (ten toes!!) also brings up an important point: The autopsy would have stated that the body had only nine toes. Wouldn’t the police, who handled the supposed bear attack, have had questions about that not being on the report?!

Happily for Deacon, within what seemed like minutes of him finding a conversation between Sheila and Sugar, someone conveniently walked into his restaurant to tell him their entire background story. The strange thing was, Lauren left, having realized that Sheila was almost certainly still alive and went back to Genoa City without bothering to warn a single soul, including her good friend Eric or Steffy, who was terrorized by Sheila just as she was back in the day. Why?!

Deacon filling Finn in on what Lauren told him about Sugar. I can’t believe they had Lauren leave town without conveying any of this to Steffy. #BoldandBeautiful #BoldandtheBeautiful

— SH ❄️⛄️💙🤍 (@SoapyHousewife) April 25, 2024

Very quickly, Deacon was able to find another clue, which pointed him to the alley where he found Tom the homeless guy. With Finn now onboard, who seemingly can’t wait to get a “second chance” with his “birth mother”, we can see where this is headed. Sheila will be found in bad shape, exonerated of wrong-doing (at least in this case), and Finn and Deacon will launch a whole new campaign for the Forresters to see her as a victim and cut her some slack.
Finn Deacon Tom homeless man B&B

We weren’t kidding when we told you that Steffy and Finn’s marriage is headed the way of some of our favorite beverages: on the rocks.

Let us know your theories surrounding Sugar and Sheila in the comments after looking over soap stories stars wish had never been told in the gallery below.
