Tiffany Rivers Is Philip Rivers' Wife and Mother to Their 9 Kids Inside Their Strong Family

Star NFL quarterback Philip Rivers has announced his retirement and will be now free to spend all his time with his 9 children and lovely wife, Tiffany Rivers.

On January 20, 2021, Philip Rivers, who spent most of his NFL career playing for the San Diego Chargers, announced his retirement after playing for the Indianapolis Colts in 2020.

Philip Rivers posing for his 2007 NFL head shot at photo day in San Diego, California | Source: Getty Images


Of all the league's quarterbacks, only Brett Favre has a longer streak of straight starts longer than Rivers' 240. Sadly, Rivers never got the chance to play in the Superbowl and that championship ring.

Philip Rivers playing with Rivers with the Los Angeles Chargers in 2017 | Source: Wikimedia Commons/ Jeffrey Beall, Philip Rivers 2017, CC BY 4.0


Alongside his speed, determination, and "trash talk," Rivers is equally famous for his devotion to his wife and their numerous brood of children -- 9 as of now. Commenting on his children, Rivers admits the possibility of welcoming more:

“I think really, it was just whatever God’s will was. We were just open. Certainly didn’t have a number on it. Still don’t.”


Rivers and his wife Tiffany met in high school, and he remembers pointing her out to his mother long before they started dating, impressed by her tranquil faith and her solid Christian values.


Rivers and Tiffany married in college when the promising young quarterback was in his freshman year at North Carolina State University in 2001. A year later, the couple welcomed their first child.

Rivers has revealed that the secret to his rock-solid marriage is his love and respect for Tiffany, and his determination to be the best man and husband he can possibly be.

Rivers, who has earned over $200 million throughout his 16-year career, lives simply


“The dynamics are different with all of them. They’re all awesome in their own unique way.”


The Rivers family comprises seven daughters and two sons of varying ages: a baby, a toddler in preschool, and one each in 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th grades, and their oldest child in college.

Halle, 18, is the one that Rivers admits is most like Tiffany in character and temperament -- which the adoring husband revealed, is the greatest compliment he could ever pay his daughter.


The Rivers brood comprises Halle, of course, and her sisters Caroline, 15, Grace, 14, Sarah, 10, Rebecca, 6, Clare, 4, and 1-year-old Anna. They are clearly the apple of their doting dad's eye.

Grossly outnumbered -- along with Rivers himself -- are his two sons, Gunner, 12, and River, 8. During the current COVID-19 epidemic, the family has been in confinement, with never a dull moment.

Unlike so many of his fellow NFL players, Rivers, who has earned over $200 million throughout his 16-year career, lives simply. He will now have more time to devote to his greatest love: his family.
